Rename multiple components at the same time

You can change a component's display name and file name if necessary. If you want to rename a group of files to add the same prefix to all of them, you can use the Selected Components pane. By clicking Rename Files, you can add a prefix to all the component display and files names, and rename all file names to the prefix only.

If you want to name each of the files you've selected to something different instead of just adding a prefix, you must rename them one at a time. Follow the steps in Rename a component.

To rename multiple components at the same time:

  1. Click Components_TopMenuOpt Components.
  2. In the Folders pane, navigate to the folder where you've saved the components.
  3. In the Components pane, select the checkbox for all the components you want to rename.
  4. In the Selected Components pane that opens on the right side, go to the toolbar and click Rename Files.
  5. Optionally, on the Rename screen, in Component Name Prefix, enter characters to add to the beginning of the display name.
    • The prefix and component name are automatically separated by an underscore (_). You do not need to add in an underscore to your prefix.
    • The Component Name is meant to be easy to read and user friendly to help authors and coordinators quickly understand the topic's content.
    For example, if you have a topic with a Component name of "Handling Precautions", and a file name of "Handle_Precautions_l5kjsdf890754olsjkh.xml":
    • When you add a Component Name Prefix of "GetStarted"
    • The display name of the component, "Handling Precautions", is changed to "GetStarted_Handling Precautions".
    • The file name remains "Handle_Precautions_l5kjsdf890754olsjkh.xml"
  6. Optionally, on the Rename screen, in File Name Prefix, enter characters to add to the beginning of the file name.
    • The prefix and file name are automatically separated by an underscore (_). You do not need to add in an underscore to your prefix.
    • The File name includes the Component name (which you can override), plus a GUID and the extension (file type) added by Inspire.
    • In the file name, all spaces are replaced with an underscore (_).
    • This name is most often used by administrators and production staff who might need to know the version or can understand a shorter, less-friendly name.
    For example, if you have a topic with a Component name of "Handling Precautions", and a file name of "Handle_Precautions_l5kjsdf890754olsjkh.xml":
    • When you add a File Name Prefix of "GS"
    • The display name of the component, "Handling Precautions", remains "Handling Precautions".
    • The file name is changed to "GS_Handle_Precautions_l5kjsdf890754olsjkh.xml"
  7. Optionally, on the Rename screen, if you want to change the File name to only the prefix, select Rename the file to the prefix only.
    For example, if you have three topics with a Component name of:
    • "Handling Precautions"
    • "More Handling Precautions"
    • "Final Handling Precautions"
    When you specify:
    • A Component Name Prefix of Chapter 1
    • A File Name Prefix of "Chpt1"
    • Select Rename the file to the prefix only
    These are the names you get after you click Submit:
    Component Name File Name
    "Chapter 1_Handling Precautions" Chpt1_ad3122e4-3dc1-485f-9da7-3be2305b4e77.xml
    "Chapter 1_More Handling Precautions" Chpt1_930fcf68-bfdf-435c-b21b-754f25aebdb7.xml
    "Chapter 1_Final Handling Precautions" Chpt1_7773da20-3729-437b-baf9-669677efebf4.xml
  8. Click Submit.
    You see a message when the rename is complete.
    To see your changes, refresh the components list by clicking Refresh.