Delete an attribute

You can delete attributes if you no longer need to provide that unique piece of information about XML elements or configure component relationships in the system.

You must have Administrator permissions to work with attributes.

Use caution when deleting an attribute as the action can't be done and the removal could cause XML validation to fail in some cases.

To delete an attribute:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Advanced Settings, and then Attribute Management.
  2. On the Attribute Management tab, select the attribute you want to delete.
  3. At the end of the attribute's row, click Delete.
  4. On the Delete attribute record confirmation screen, click Yes.
    • Administrators no longer see the new attribute on the Attribute Management tab in the list of attributes.
    • Administrators can't see or select the attribute from the lists on the XML Link Type Configuration screens.
    • Users can't see or select this attribute in the Oxygen editor in the Attributes pane on the right side.